Until I started classes this semester, I had never heard of Richard Powers. He writes novels that appear on the New York Times best seller list, but their titles have never caught my eye enough to decide to read one of his works.
Over the last couple of weeks, I've been reading his novel The Gold Bug Variations. I really enjoyed this book, way more than I initially thought I would. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to go back and read it again-- it's been a long time since I've felt that way about a text. The novel is really clever-- he is playing with Poe's tale the Gold Bug and Bach's Goldberg Variations, specifically the version by Glenn Gould. In addition, he's telling multiple love stories alongside scientific discovery and the beginnings of computer programming. The way he integrates these various types of knowledge so fluidly creates a collage of knowledge that feels like smooth sailing. These seemingly different bits of information flow into one another like it couldn't possibly be any other way.
Powers also reminds his reader that he is well read-- he integrates facts and quotes like everyone should have as much background knowledge as him. It's a fun challenge to try to remember where these various phrases initiated. However, i also wonder how many i've missed.
it's interesting to me-- i want to use this space to think critically about the various things i'm reading and also to record thoughts about things that have struck me about a text-- yet i know i'm not doing that with powers-- i'm just praising his work.
what is the challenge here? how does this fit into other thought? i think collage is going to become an important way of processing knowledge. people want to have new and different things to say, but i'm not sure there is anything new to say-- it's just that we want to say it differently. when people find connections between seemingly different things, these collages put a new spin on information.
powers is looking at different styles of research-- he has biography and memory, and he also looks at library research and scientific discovery. all of these things are so different, and yet really, the only complete picture can be gained through these various methods. i think it's important to look at information from more than one angle and through more than one perspective-- i think that's the only way to really see something.
regardless, i recommend people read this novel-- it takes careful attention, but it's worth the time.
Dear Me...
12 years ago