Monday, June 22, 2009

Need to Write

I need to write. I need to grade papers. I need to organize my house.

All of these things are keeping me from actually getting anything done. Instead I'm reading what other people have written on Facebook and blogspot. Not overly productive.

I am finally writing about Harry Potter-- something that years ago I was really looking forward to getting to, and now that I'm doing it I realize why the series has retained its popularity-- Rowling does a good job creating questions that she did not answer.

This week I find myself really bothered by What happened to George? George and Fred were such a team, they didn't do anything apart from one another, but Fred died-- What happened to George? I want to believe that he went on to run their business and live a happy, fulfilled, Voldermort free life, but I can't imagine that he successfully did.

Oh well, thinking about the well being of a fictional character is not writing my dissertation, grading my student's papers, or cleaning my house...