Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Giver

Lois Lowry's The Giver is another "difficult" text. yet, it's complex for completely different reasons than cormier's text. both of these novels have boys seeking out knowledge, and this knowledge is difficult for them to obtain, it changes their perception on the outside world.

i think both of these novels are considered difficult because they engage the reader. the reader cannot just read the book and say, what a nice story. he/she must do something with the information given.

as i read The Giver, i was struck by the variety of adult behavior toward children. in the perfect society everyone is nice and polite, and almost condescending. stripping away differences removes cocky pride, but it also removes self-efficacy and motivational pride.

fantasy and realism are interesting things in novels. what is possible, what is my experience in comparison to the author's experience or the character's experience?

i want to begin to pay attention to how knowledge is portrayed and given in these works for young adults. in I Am the Cheese, knowledge is necessary-- it is both a life sustainer and a life taker. in The Giver, knowledge is a privledge and a curse. which viewpoint is reality? which is fantasy?


Mary Karcher said...

My daughter read "The Giver" last year in school--3rd grade--and again this year (in a different school). Anyway, she loved this book, but as I helped her do her homework assignments on the book, especially last year when she was 8, I wondered how much of this text was lost/gained by reading it at such a young age. What age exactly is a "young adult?" Is 8 too young? Ok, so maturity levels of individuals, etc, I know. But in terms of assigning a book at a certain grade level,are books like The Giver and I Am The Cheese (not read it yet) too old? Not old enough? Is this an old song sung before by countless others?

childhood bibliophile said...

I personally think The Giver and I am the Cheese are both young for 3rd grade. I would put the Giver at 4th or 5th grade and i am the Cheese at 7/8. I do think that kids miss stuff if they aren't old enough-- although both of these stories don't have anything that isn't appropriate-- i just think they won't understand all the implications of the text, and then sometimes when they don't understand stuff they think it's boring-- but that's just me-- there are plenty of others who disagree :)