Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Shack

I just finished reading The Shack. It's a great book. I don't want to give away too much here, because I think people should read it for themselves, and I don't want to ruin the experience.

I think so many people feel the way the main character, Mack, does regarding God. There are so many forced views, where God seems a little bit angry. So, while I wouldn't say that this book addresses all of those concerns, it does do a good job at providing a different view of God. A view that lets us see a little bit fuller picture of who He is.

If nothing else, it's a pretty compelling story. I would recommend you give it a read-- but not if you're getting ready to take your daughters camping.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Online Teaching

I think I'm going to go the online teaching route. I've been in training for the last 4 weeks. I find out tomorrow if I've passed it all. I sure hope so, otherwise, this last month was crazy for nothing. It's weird though. I've been spending so much time getting ready for that, that now while I'm trying to catch up with stuff I am afraid I let some things go for too long. hope not...