Friday, June 29, 2007

"The" Media

Media is plural-- which means, there cannot be "the" media. So, when people talk about media they need to start being more specific. Are they talking about broadcast media? Even then-- what types of broadcasting-- educational, entertainment, the list goes on.

So much gets blamed on "the" media. It's really not that simple.

Should people spend so much time caring about Paris Hilton and what she's wearing and what she's doing? I don't think so, but someone does, so information about her is spread all over the world. Would celebrities be so thin if they weren't constantly being gawked at in the tabloid newspapers and on entertainment television--probably not. So, does that make media bad-- no.

Media is a tricky thing-- like so many others-- it does good and it does bad-- people need to realize that.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Best Children's Books

I see lists and ideas for best children's books-- but I think that's too broad of a category. Even best boy books or best books for the decade. These are books that are people's favorites. They are books that somehow have stayed in print. What books we love as children is always subjective. What do those books remind us of-- what world to they help us to imagine?

I have my favorite books-- that I can remember the plot of and that I want to return to-- for me, those are best books. But, I realize that someone else's best and my best will never be the same.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Nothing Academic

This morning I spent some time reading Toddler Wise, because my daughter is fast becoming a toddler. She amazes me with how fast she can get places, and how autonomous her thinking has become. She's a pretty amazing little person. Today she was making me smile because she spent quite a long time trying to put her shoe on backwards-- she watches how I hold it to put it on her foot, and she doesn't fully realize it works like that because I'm coming from a different angle. The crazy thing is, I know she'll be putting on her own shoes before I know it.

Friday, June 22, 2007

good vs. bad

I'm pretty sure I blogged about Stephen Johnson when I first read his text-- I think because it's such a great reminder of what has to be considered when evaluating literature.

I think it is striking me so profoundly again because of my dislike of Pullman.

Johnson challenges his readers to not think of good and bad literature as a moral evaluation-- he wants people to consider if it is cognitively stimulating. While the degree of cognitive stimulation might be subjective, it is much less subjective than morals.

I think I've been careful to deem my dislike of Pullman to be based on my morals-- not his ability to cognitively challenge his readers. But, I need to remember not to say his books are bad-- they are not poorly written--

Readers always want to say if a book is good or bad, so Johnson is a good reminder to define terminology before evaluating a text.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Putting things together. I think that's the hardest and most important aspect of writing this dissertation-- how do all of these things fit together-- then, how does their fitting together make them stronger than they are individually.

I read different things and I know they fit together. I recognize that something great could be done with them, but then I lose what that great thing is-- sometimes I feel like I see the shadow of what lurks, but when I whip around the corner to catch it, it's gone.

Sometimes, it's the hunt that is fun. It's fun to try to figure out what I'm saying-- where this project is taking me. Sometimes the hunt is frustrating-- I just want it all to fall into place and be easy. Overall, though, I think I'm glad it's not easy-- I wouldn't be proud of myself when I'm finished if it was too easy-- now I know that I am truly earning my degree.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

writer's block

I am having the hardest time getting back into the writing groove. I know that I need to write. I know that I need to finish my dissertation. I even know a lot of what I want to say, but I am having a difficult time getting moving. I've spent my writing time for the last 2 days reading what I've written and tweaking little things. Hopefully now I'll be ready to create new text.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Inanimate Alice

I am pretty geeked about Inanimate Alice. It is an online story. It is way cooler than an e-book, because you interact with the story. Plus it has pictures and music. I am too tired this morning-- i shouldn't be allowed to put my advertisement for Alice out until it is more articulate. Right now I want everyone to read Alice so it will gain popularity.

Why is Alice cool?
In McLuhan's terms-- she is a cool medium because the viewer has to do something to participate with her. The viewer has to click the arrows to move the plot along. Plus, certain images have to be clicked to get the full experience of the story.

In non-theoretical language--she is a cool medium because she engages the senses. The viewer is hearing a soundtrack to her life in addition to reading her story and viewing images that represent her. Also, the images are a mixture of moving images and still images, so the viewer cannot just assume a means of interpretation. An additional element is the game. As the episodes become more advanced, there are puzzles that Alice creates that the viewer must solve. These keep the viewer engaged as well.

So, I would encourage you to go visit Inanimate Alice. You'll enjoy your time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Done with Pullman

So, I spent the end of last week and the weekend at the Children's Literature Association Conference. It was great, highly motivating to get myself on track. I'll write more about what I learned later.

At this time, I want to write about Phillip Pullman. I brought the 2nd and 3rd books to read while on the plane. After reading the second I thought I might not finish the series. Then after reading some of Pullman's belief system, I realized that I'm done with Pullman.

I want to say this-- I do think that Pullman is a quality writer. I think that he comes up with good, complex plots that successfully entertain readers. I think that he uses fantasy the way it was meant to be used--to take us to the place beyond disbelief-- his worlds are similar and yet fantastic-- His work is the uncanny.

But--he is all that he says he hates about C.S. Lewis. He fills his work with propaganda against God more fully than Lewis fills the Narnia series with messages that are pro-God. His vengeful attitude towards God goes beyond trying to get a reader to think that there is a possibility that there is no God-- rather, he believes that God should be attacked-- that he can be attacked, and that is the mindset he takes up in his text. I think that is quite a dangerous position to assume.

On a different note-- I am also annoyed that Lyra's thoughts are in this well thought out language, but when she opens her mouth she cannot state a grammatically correct sentence. If she has truly been around scholars for her entire life, she would have more eloquent speech-- or at least her vocal speech would match the language of her thoughts.

So, all of that to say-- I am done with Phillip Pullman.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Golden Compass wrap up

Yesterday I got interrupted, so I thought I'd finish talking about the Golden Compass today.

I'd always been hesitent to read the text because of Pullman's name for people's soul- it seems too close to the Biblical demon-- and he even quotes from Paradise Lost at the beginning and alter's the Bible to mention daemons. So, it's not like he chose the name unaware. However, daemon's do not do what demon's do-- I still can't help but wonder about the name.

If I choose to get passed that, I think it is a "good" book. (value judgments are so dangerous). I think it's an interesting concept, to always have a part of yourself that you can communicate with-- it makes me feel better about talking to myself. I also enjoy seeing how the daemon's act when the kids are drinking or the adults are kissing-- Do the daemon's get to enjoy the fun of those acts more than the people? Pullman gives the reader plenty to think about, that's for sure. Now I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Golden Compass Part 2

So, I finished Pullman's book-- and I have to say that it picks up tremendously after page 100. But, that's a long time to take to get into a children's book.

I realize this ties into the idea that kids are more expectant readers now than they used to be. This book is no simple plot. It also does not follow a straight line trajectory. There is mystery, intrigue-- and not a clear line between good and evil.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

hosed laptop

I've had my faithful laptop for over 3 years. I have written the majority of my academic work on my faithful laptop for the past 3 years. All of the work that I've done on my dissertation is on my faithful laptop. Now all of a sudden, the laptop is no longer faithful. It doesn't want to start. I'm not a big fan of that. I was having motivational issues anyway. Now with my laptop not working I'm tempted to read more research rather than write, but I've got to write to truly process what I'm reading.

Here's to hoping that it can get fixed. Quickly.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Golden Compass Part 1

I am finally reading _The Golden Compass_ by Phillip Pullman. I was supposed to read it 2 years ago, and I didn't have time, so I didn't read it. But, now that there's a movie coming out and it's getting some internet buzz I figured I had better read it.

I think it is interesting because it is one of those books that both adults and children read--it often gets found in both sections of bookstores and libraries-- but now I am curious about the child readers--it starts really slowly and there's a lot of description. These are not bad things--and they add to the depth of the book. But, do kids have to be avid readers before they will pick up and enjoy this series or can this be a starting point for them. I think this book fits into my conclusion that kids expect more from a book--this story could not be overly simplified--but I am curious to see what they leave in and cut for the film.

More comments forthcoming as I finish the book.