Friday, July 25, 2008

LM Montgomery

LM Montgomery was my favorite author when I was a kid. I had, and still have, every book the woman wrote. My favorite was, and still is, The Blue Castle-- which now I know is considered her "adult" novel. This year is the 100 year anniversary of Anne of Green Gables, which was her first "big" hit.

Why do I bring up this childhood remembrance? Because I'm trying to write about Anne in my dissertation. I already wrote this section, but it vanished along with everything else on my hard drive, and so now, I'm hoping that if I ramble on about Anne that I will be able to have my memory refreshed and that I will finally feel more inspired to write.

The question I ask in my dissertation is, Why is Anne still popular after 100 years? Other books that were written in much of the same style at the same time have long since been discarded, but somehow, fans still hang out to Anne? What is her appeal?

I always liked Anne because she was kind of spunky. I think I always thought I was a little spunky, but I don't think that I was. I think that I was just a little bookworm, but I could read about these spunky characters and feel like I knew them enough that they were a little bit a part of me. i think characters like Anne gave me courage. You could know what you wanted and still be likable. You could be smart and popular. But was Anne popular-- not really, she just had her close friends. She just got along well enough with her friends that as a reader you felt like she must be popular. Don't get me wrong-- she wasn't the class reject or anything, but you didn't see others following her trends-- instead, she followed others-- think puffy sleeves and black tresses.

I think Anne still has some appeal because she's a generational character. I can't wait for my daughter to be old enough for me to share Anne with her. And obviously, I am not the only one who felt that way. I was turned onto Anne by a friend of my mother's, an older Canadian lady. Thinking about her now, I realize she was probably a child when Montgomery first wrote the text.

Why do certain books stand the test of time when others just fall by the wayside?

Friday, July 11, 2008

You know you're old when

you start to appreciate silence.
When I was young I would always have music on in my bedroom, and I would want my mom to listen to music when I was in the kitchen or with her in the car, and she would say no. The conversation often went like this.

Me: Can I turn the radio on?
Mom: No
Me: But I want to try to find my favorite song of the minute.
Mom: No, I want to relax
Me: You are so boring, why don't you ever want to listen to music, it's a great way to relax
Mom: No

Then I thought my mom was trying to squelch my fun. Now, as I hear so much noise all day long, I realize she was just trying to hear herself think. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy listening to music, especially while I drive, but now I have also come to appreicate the joys of silence.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

drugs are bad

I recently ran into someone that I hadn't seen in a number of years. During that time, this guy had moved away, gotten himself into trouble due to drug used, cleaned up, and moved back to the area. Now, sadly, he is notably "not right." He was always a little introverted, I'm guessing his desire to be more outgoing led to the drug problem in the first place, but now his comprehension is in the toilet. I feel bad for him, but most importantly, I view this as a once again reminder of the dangers of drug abuse.

Yes, this is a little preachy-- but it is true, and it makes me sad to see people throw away their lives because of a moment of fun.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Too busy for what

I haven't been overly academic recently. I've been too busy, too tired, too frustrated. And now, I'm finding that I have the time to get back into these activities, and I'm so out of practice I'm not sure how to do it. So I find myself procrastinating, but I don't even want to procrastinate the ways I usually do, which tells me I need to get my act together and start working.

As for excuses though...

I had a beautiful baby boy-- Nathan Jay-- he's almost 8 weeks old.
My laptop died. Not just a little inconvenient death-- a complete, un-resurrectable death, so I've lost decent amounts of research and writing. (Please do not comment on the importance of backing your stuff up-- I know- I've always known, but I just wasn't as faithful about doing it as I should have been-- I've gotten enough of those well-meaning lectures)

and last but not least...

it's beautiful outside, and who wants to be inside working when she can be outside playing?