Thursday, November 17, 2005


As teachers, I think we all strive to be innovative in some way. We want our class to stand out as something interesting. Yet sometimes, innovation is met with resistance. Students who do not know what to do with choice. I'm a big advocate for choice-- you can do this or that. You can present your information this way or that way. Selfishly, I do this for me. I can't stand reading 20-50 versions of the same paper on the same topic. So, I give students choice. But, I am finding that choice demands more instruction. I have to explain all sorts of scenarios-- but then that takes away from innovation. I don't want to imagine out the scenario for you-- I want you to imagine up a scenario for me.

I think innovation is important. I think showing students that the traditional way isn't the only way is valuable. I also think choice is important. So, I guess I need to accept the complications that occur through the process.

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