Friday, October 01, 2010


I recently read both Fame Junkies by Jake Halpern and Cult of Celebrity by Cooper Lawrence. I had assumed from the titles and where I read about the texts that they would both be a criticism of the way people follow celebrities. However, that was not the case.

Halpern's book does, I think, a good job at trying to remain objective about the things people are willing to do to achieve fame and support "the machine." Lawrence's text is about much of the same topic, but rather than questioning why a person would put him or herself through it all, Lawrence applauds people who worship at the alter of celebrity as a necessary part of consumer culture. In defense of Lawrence, she makes her living as part of the fame machine, and it would be counter intuitive for her to speak out against it. Also, she does say that there are too many people who are seeking fame but will never find it.

Interestingly, both texts address the necessary narcissism someone must have in order to subject him/herself to the horrors of the fame machine. It made me realize how much fame drives insecurity and consumerism. Overall, both books made me thankful I am not famous and actually hope, despite certain days where I feel the opposite, that I never become so.

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